Friday, May 20, 2011

The discovery history Typewriter

Modern typewriter is a development of the typewriter that was originally created in a simple and gradual. The discovery of this technology involves inventors who work independently, either individually or in groups, which raises antarpenemu competition for decades. This is the same as the discovery of the telephone, where a number of people each contributed to the discovery of this typewriter and ultimately create a successful commercial product.The discovery of the typewriter started in 1714, when Henry Mill obtained a patent for creating a machine that resembles a typewriter. In addition, there are also the discovery of carbon paper by Pellegrino Turri which is one of the forerunner of the typewriter components. In 1829, William Justin Burt created a machine called a "typowriter", known as the first typewriter. However, these machines work longer than writing by hand, so that Burt could not find a buyer or a party companies that want to buy the patent rights. This causes the machine can not be produced for the commercial. Typewriter is used in a way round, not the buttons to select the character, so-called "index typewriter" rather than "typewriter keyboard."In mid 1800, the global can be seen an increase in business communication. This incident created a need for a mechanical process, so that the writing process becomes faster. In the year 1829 to 1870, the discovery of typewriters in many emerging countries of Europe and America, but no one managed to make a typewriter into a commercially produced product. Then in 1855, Giuseppe Ravizza, an Italian citizen, created a prototype typewriter. In the end, in 1861, Father Francisco João de Azevedo, a Brazilian priest, creating its own typewriter. This finding raises the claim that he is a true inventor of the typewriter. These claims are then caused controversy. In between the years 1864 until 1867, Peter Mitterhofer, an Austrian carpenter, has developed several prototype models of a typewriter and it can function fully in 1867.In 1865, Rev. Rasmus Malling-Hansen to create "Hansen Writing Ball," which later became the first typewriter sold commercially in 1870. Based on the explanations in the book "Who is the Inventor of the Writing Ball" in 1865, the keyboard used in the typewriter is made of ceramic. In the standard setting process keyboard occurred several experimental stages in the placement of buttons different letters. Experiments on the placement of these buttons aims to achieve the highest write speeds. This causes Hansen Witing Ball was the first typewriter to produce text faster than writing by hand manually. Experiments on the typewriter that ciciptakan by Malling-Hansen is still experiencing growth since 1870 until around 1880.Typewriter first time that commercial success is created by C. Latham Sholes, Carlos Glidden and Samuel W. Soule in 1867. This discovery then obtain patents and purchased by E. Remington and Sons, a manufacturing company. This success makes "Sholes and Glidden Type-Writer" succeeded in becoming a successful commercial product in the market. This machine is the forerunner of the typewriter keyboard layout has a "qwerty". The success of these sales create the typewriter started to be adopted by several other manufacturing companies.However, this machine was initially still has some shortcomings such as clerks can not see the direct result of typing and the difficulty will be the placement of the keys that are used to return to its original position. This then can be overcome with the advent of "visible typewriters", such as Oliver typewriter in 1895.

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