Saturday, December 31, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011
தமிழின் பெருமைகள் நான்கு வரி செய்யுளில்
இன்று நாம் அனைவரும் சொல்லிக்கொண்டிருக்கின்ற பைதகரஸ் கோட்பாடு (Pythagoras Theorem) என்ற கணித முறையை, பிதாகரஸ் என்பவர் கண்டறிவதற்கு முன்னரே, போதையனார் என்னும் புலவர் தனது செய்யுளிலே சொல்லியிருக்கிறார்.
ஓடும் நீளம் தனை ஒரேஎட்டுக்
கூறு ஆக்கி கூறிலே ஒன்றைத்
தள்ளி குன்றத்தில் பாதியாய்ச் சேர்த்தால்
வருவது கர்ணம் தானே.
– போதையனார்
இக்கணித முறையைக் கொண்டுதான், அக்காலத்தில் குன்றுகளின் உயரம் மற்றும் உயரமான இடத்தை அடைய நாம் நடந்து செல்லவேண்டிய தூரம் போன்றவைகள் கணக்கிடப்பட்டுள்ளன.
போதையனார் கோட்பாட்டின்ன் சிறப்பம்சம் என்னவென்றால், வர்க்கமூலம் (Square root) இல்லாமலேயே, நம்மால் இக்கணிதமுறையை பயன்படுத்த முடியும்.
தமிழன் ஒரு வேலை கற்றலையும்/கல்வியையும்
பொதுவுடமையாகவும்,உலகறியச் செய்து இருந்தால் ….
அவர்கள் தரணி எங்கும் அறிய ப்பட்டு இருப்பார்கள்.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
How to use Shopcast with Firefox and Chrome - simple trick
- Winows PC with Internet Explorer 6.0 or later
- At least 64MB Memory
- Windows Media Player
- Min 512Kbps DSL Internet Connection.
How to use this simple trick to view SopCast with Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome
This tutorial is simple and easy to achieve, and requires the use of two addons for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox to view online tv stations with SopCast player.
To use Sopcast player with Chrome you need to download free : IE Tab extension from Chrome webstore!
After installation you will see this icon in the upper right of Chrome browser
If you see that icon on the browser, go to , click that icon (top right of your browser), it will reload the page and you can watch your favorite online tv channel, shows, live news, sport tv, familly and kids tv, movies, locat tv etc... with this simple trick Sopcast with Google Chrome and Mozilla FireFox.
You need to download : IE Tab extension from Mozilla addons !
After installation, click restart the browser and go to your favorite Online Tv blog click on the page you want to see, right click and select View Page in IE Tab. The page will reload after which you can watch your favorite online tv shows, live news, sport tv, familly and kids tv shows with this simple trick Sopcast with Google Chrome and Mozilla FireFox.
Now you can watch online tv gratis channels with your favorite browser. Use the lastest version of IE TAB for best experience when viewing online tv channels with Sopcast player.
If it worked for you or had a problem use this simple trick to view online tv stations with SopCast player, please
leave a comment.
Friday, November 25, 2011
History of atomic bomb
One of the most mysterious phenomena in the universe is the conversion of mass into energy. The whole universe is supported by this process. The energy emitted by stars, including the Sun, emerged from the nuclear reaction called fusion, away from the interior mereka.Pelepasan nuclear energy occurs through the fusion of two hydrogen nuclei into light nuclei heavier than helium.
bomSampai about the year 1800, main fuel is wood on our planet, energy derived from solar energy stored in plants throughout their lives. Since the unique facts of the Industrial Revolution, people rely on fossil fuels-coal, petroleum, and natural gas also comes from the stored solar energy.
When fossil fuels such as coal is burned, atoms of hydrogen and carbon in the coal join with oxygen atoms in the air. Water and carbon dioxide is produced and heat is released. This is the typical amount of energy from chemical reactions resulting from changes in the electronic structure of atoms. Most of the energy released as heat an adjacent fuel hot enough to produce a reaction occurs in a nuclear reaction. However, the energy released is often about 10 million times greater than the chemical reaction, and mass changes can be easily measured.
Nuclear HistoryHistory of producing large amounts of energy in nuclear reactions, is basically the history of the atomic bomb ... Here are some important steps toward the liberation of nuclear energy on demand.
In 1896, Antoine Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity of uranium.
In 1902, Marie and Pierre Curie isolated the radioactive metal called radium
In 1905, Albert Einstein formulated the Special Theory of Relativity. According to this theory, the mass can be considered as another form of energy. According to Einstein, if we can somehow transform mass into energy, it will be possible to "liberate" vast amounts of energy. Over the next decade, great strides taken by Ernest Rutherford and Niels Bohr explained atomic structure is more appropriate. They say, from the nucleus is positively charged and negatively charged electrons revolving around the core. That is the core, the scientists concluded, that must be broken up or "explode" if the atomic energy will be released.
In 1934, Enrico Fermi Italy destroyed by heavy atoms in neutron spray. But he did not realize that he has acquired nuclear fission.
In December 1938, though, Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman in Berlin did similar experiments with uranium and the achievements of the world. They have produced nuclear fission, they have split the atom that is 33 years after Einstein say it could be that the mass turned into energy.
On August 2, 1939, Albert Einstein wrote a letter to U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Over the last four months, he has made possible through the work of Joliot in France as well as Fermi and Szilard in America that allows set of nuclear reactions in a large mass of uranium. .. And this new phenomenon would also lead to the construction of bombs ... A single bomb of this type, carried by boat or exploded in a port, might very well destroy the whole port together with some surrounding areas. He urged Roosevelt to start a nuclear program without delay.
In 1 year later Einstein regretted the role he played in the development of such destructive weapons: "I made one big mistake in my life," he said to Linus Pauling, another prominent scientist, "when I signed the letter to President Roosevelt recommending that atom bombs be made" .
In December 1942 at the University of Chicago, the Italian physicist Enrico Fermi succeeded in producing the first nuclear chain reaction. This is done by setting the natural uranium lumps distributed within a large stack of pure graphite, a form of carbon. In a nuclear reactor, the graphite moderator served to slow the neutrons.
In August 1942, during World War II, the United States establish Project Manhattan.Tujuan of this project is to develop, build, and test the bomb. Many leading American scientists, including physicist Enrico Fermi and J. Robert Oppenheimer and Harold Urey chemistry, associated with the project, led by a U.S. Army engineer, Brigadier General Leslie R. Groves.
On May 31, 1945, sixteen people met in the office of Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson. Sixteen people are there to make decisions about the average American weapons have not heard, the atomic bomb. They chose a future target for "The Bomb." What they are talking about is the "new human relationship with the universe," as said by Stimson. The Secretary seems to say, are the most critical turning point in all of recorded history.
On July 16, 1945, the first atomic bomb or A-bomb, tested at Alamogordo, New Mexico.
On 6 August 1945, the Enola Gay, the American plane, dropped the first atomic bomb ever used in warfare on Hiroshima, Japan, eventually killing more than 140,000 people. On August 9, 1945, the United States dropped a second atomic bomb, this time in the Japanese city of Nagasaki. Although it misses one mile from the target, but killed 75,000 people.
On August 29, 1949, the Soviet Union's first atomic bomb test.
On 1 November, 1952 trial, a full-scale work carried out by the United States with a fusion-type devices.
In 1946, the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), civilian agency of the United States government, established the Atomic Energy Act to manage and regulate the production and use of atomic energy. Among the main programs of this new commission is the physical production of bomb material; prevention of accidents; biological research, medical, metallurgy and production of electric power from atomic, nuclear studies in aircraft production, and the declassification of data on atomic energy.
The main purpose of the act of 1946, however, is to place the big power and possibilities of atomic energy under civilian control, although the nuclear materials and facilities remain in government hands. A revision of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 allowed for private ownership of a licensed facility for the manufacture of physical materials.
History of atlantis
Both are the last works of Plato, written in 347 BC. In the same year Plato died. Narrated in both works, the Atlantis is a city with high civilization and technology is very advanced. Atlantis, Plato said, had a great maritime power, and being in front of the "Pillars of Hercules." The ground was fertile, prosperous people. He was a kind of heaven on earth, whose territory covers western Europe to Africa. Plato said Atlantis was about 9,000 years before the present school of Solon, or 9600 years before Plato's time to live. The triumph of Atlantis, Plato said, began to fade after a failed master of Athens, the land of the gods and goddesses. Disaster hit the island of Atlantis that disappeared into the sea in a matter of days. The inhabitants who survived went looking for a new place. Atlantis eventually become a "paradise lost." Indeed, many people doubt the story's fairy-like Plato. But, as Alan Cameron described in the book "Greek Mythography in the Roman World" published by Oxford (2004), mythology is a pillar for the nation's cultural elite of Greece. Although many doubt its truth, but that story could be a reflection of certain events in the past. Atlantis, for example, be an interesting discussion after the Age of Enlightenment. There is a rebuttal, parody, until a scientific explanation. "It seems that only in modern times people take seriously the story of Atlantis," writes Cameron. Some call the story was inspired by the story of the past, such as the Thera eruption or the Trojan War. Or consider the claim that Plato also inspired a number of contemporary events in his time, such as the collapse of the dynasty in 373 BC Helike. Alternatively, the failure of the military invasion of Athens on the island of Sicily in the War of 415-413 BC. At the beginning of modern civilization, the story of Atlantis was revived by the authors of the flow in the Renaissance humanist Europe. One was Francis Bacon, who published an essay titled "New Atlantis" in 1627. In his writings, Bacon saw Atlantis as a utopian society that he called Bensalem. Located on the west coast of the Americas. Other authors did not want to lose. Olaus Rudbeck, through his writings in 1679, assume that Atlantis was in his native country, Sweden. The country is called Rudbeck as the beginning of the birth of civilization, including language. Famous British scientist, Sir Isaac Newton was the performance of opinion. In 1728, inventor of the theory of gravitation published a paper entitled "The Chronology of the Ancient Kingdoms Amended." Newton was also curious to learn the explanation related mythological Atlantis. Although no specific mention of Atlantis, Newton describes historical events in a number of places, which have a similar bright future version of Plato's Atlantis. For example, the triumph of the Century Ancient Greek, Egyptian Empire, Asuriah, Babylon, the Temple of Solomon, and the Persian Empire. Mythology of Atlantis also makes the Nazi regime in Germany disturbed. In 1938, a high-ranking Nazi special police, Heinrich Himmler, reportedly formed a team expedition to Tibet. You see, there is the story of Atlantis was built Aryans, ancestors of the Germans. The mission was a failure. Nazi belief of many scientists doubt it lately. The hunt trail in the archipelago, and speculation continued existence of Atlantis sought throughout the ages. Several works were born, and indicate specific areas allegedly part of a 'triumph of the Sunset' is. Indonesia is also included in the list of researchers and enthusiasts speculation Atlantis mythology. For example, Professor Arysio Santos of Brazil. He geologists and nuclear physicists. Then, there is a geneticist from Oxford, England, Professor Stephen Oppenheimer. Both are suspected of Indonesia bury the remains of 'Paradise Lost' is. Santos displays the map of Indonesia in his book published in 2005, "Atlantis: The Lost Continent Finally Found." Continent it may have been lost in most of Indonesia and the South China Sea, according to Santos' convictions. In the paper, he claims to have done comparative research, such as the condition of the region, weather, natural resources, volcanoes, and the lifestyle of local communities. In the book, he hypothesized, the archipelago was once Atlantis. For Santos, among other indications about the area. As stated by Plato, Atlantis was "larger than the combined Libya (North Africa) and Asia (Minor)". Indonesia, by Santos, is considered compatible with the character's geography. Video interviews Santos on YouTube pages, showing he had no doubt that Atlantis really existed, and not just a myth. Santos explains why scientists have so far failed to find Atlantis, and doubt the existence of the lost city. "Because they look in the wrong place. They look in the Sea of Atlantis, "he said in an interview on YouTube, such as pages loaded Hubpages. Assumption that Atlantis was in the Indian Atlantis, is logical. However, it is not the right location. "Atlantis was in the Indian Ocean [Indonesia], in other parts of the earth," he said. In the eastern hemisphere that is, civilization began. However, he said, the Indian Ocean or South China Sea as a location for Atlantis is just a limitation. "It certainly in Indonesia," said Santos. Before the ice age ended 30,000 to 11,000 years ago, in Indonesia there is a large mainland. At that time sea level 150 meters lower than today. In that place of civilization. Meanwhile, the rest of the Earth from North Asia, Europe and North America was still covered in ice. The islands are scattered in Indonesia is considered as the summit of the mountain, and the plateau of a continent that sank due to rising sea levels, and amblesnya lowlands in the late Pleistocene Glacial Period. It happened around 11,600 years ago. "It was the same span of time in dialogue with Plato described his creation as offensive Atlantis," Santos wrote in the introduction in his book. Contrary to popular belief the investigators before or on the generation of Santos, he was optimistic that Indonesia, which is referred to as the legacy of Atlantis, became the forerunner of the birth of a number of ancient civilizations. The inhabitants of the region that survived from rising sea levels and volcanic eruptions eventually split up to find places. They "moved into the areas now called India, Southeast Asia, China, Polynesia, America, and the Near East," writes Santos. A similar explanation put forward a British writer, Stephen Oppenheimer, in the book "Eden in the East: The Drowned Continent of Southeast Asia" (1998). He wrote a continent that sank due to flash floods, and rising sea levels about 7,000 to 14,000 years ago. Areas that were submerged in what is now known as Southeast Asia. Oppenheimer called the sunken continent as Sundaland. The inhabitants who survived that time and then spread to various places to Europe, bringing their culture and lifestyle. That's why Oppenheimer assumed EuroAsia racial origins in Europe can be traced in Asia. Oppenheimer was convinced that the inhabitants of Sundaland at that time had advanced civilizations from other regions. "They've developed a pattern of subsistence, than just hunt animals into farming, gardening, fishing, trade and even across the ocean. All that was done before 5000 years ago, "the assumption of Oppenheimer's piece. This recorded history for the parent of modern human civilization derived from Egypt, the Mediterranean and Mesopotamia. But, according to him, the ancestors of modern human civilization stem from the Malay who is often called Sundaland, or Indonesia. What is the evidence? "Indonesia first agricultural civilization existed from other agricultural civilization in the world," said Oppenheimer in his surgical discussions in Jakarta, October 2010. Sure, genetics expert opinion and the structure of human DNA from Oxford University, gave a different paradigm from the existing all along that the earliest civilization from the West. In contrast to Santos, Oppenheimer did not jump to conclusions Sundaland is Atlantis. He himself admits more research is needed, and hope there is collaboration with researchers in Indonesia, to explain the Sundaland is Heaven's Sunset. But, Oppenheimer believes Sundaland in the archipelago had a highly developed civilization in his time. Pseudoscience? Santos and Oppenheimer's opinion on the trail of Atlantis and Indonesia as the former center of civilization on the one hand inviting charm. But not all parties believe in the claims. Interestingly, it was Indonesia's own scientists criticized the view of the two foreign observers. Research Professor of Astronomy of the National Aeronautics and Space Institute (LAPAN), Thomas Djamaluddin, doubted the story of Atlantis. For Djamaluddin, the story of Atlantis was just a story, with minimal scientific value. In other words, the explanation of Atlantis that was brought to the researchers for this entry in pseudoscience, or pseudoscience. "This is not scientific. This is pseudoscience. Between stories with scientific fact that mixed in there, "said scientist Indonesia, Thomas Djamaluddin, in conversation with VIVAnews some time ago. But the word Djamaluddin, Atlantis is nothing more than just a legendary story written by Plato. "If it is used as the scientific facts of geological history, Plato was only based on her understanding. Plato did not mention the data, "explains Jamaladin. Graduate research graduate of Kyoto University, Japan, was also considered not to show the geological history of Indonesia is Atlantis. "This paper has been circulated Santos, a kind of long. That's just conjecture, "he said. Another rebuttal, for example, came from a senior geologist of BP Migas, Awang Satyana. In a book review show Santos, about two years ago, Awang said Santos did not present evidence and arguments geology. Sundaland, Awang said, is a submerged continental shelf stable 15000-11000 years ago by deglasiasi process due to climate change cycle. "Not by a volcanic eruption. Supervolcano eruption would likely lead to winter in the long run, "said Awang. Even Sundaland about human migration to the rest of the earth, said Awang, contrary to the evidence of modern human migration research in biomolecular engineering. Geologists from the University of Padjadjaran, Oki Oktariadi, reminding the alleged location of Atlantis is not just Indonesia. There are many regions like Andalusia, the island of Crete, Santorini, Cape Spartel, Cyprus, Malta, Ponza, Sardinia, Troy, and others. "The results of a recent study by Kimura's (2007) found some stone monuments under the waters of Yonaguni, Japan suspected remnants of the civilization of Atlantis or Lemuria," the exposure Oktariadi in a paper titled "Is Sundaland's Atlantis the Lost?" While the truth remains doubtful, for Oktariadi, the study had a positive value for Indonesia. At least, this country is better known internationally, especially among researchers in various fields. "The Indonesian government needs to seize these opportunities," wrote Oktariadi. Renne RA Kawilarang, Elin Yunita Kristanti, Ismoko Widjaya
Thursday, November 24, 2011
The history of football
The ball never found the evidence as a game of soldiers century China about 2-3 reign of the Han Dynasty. Later found also evidence for the existence of football in Kyoto, Japan. In Indonesia, football was first introduced by the Dutch, its development also makes football into a prestigious group at the time.
The birth of modern football was born from the UK. Its existence was used as a sport "war". At that time there is a kind of interests between England and Scotland impingement. One ball contested two villages. The game also tends to coarse and brutal. No wonder that many end up eating the victim. There's also a scary story. That the ancient football in eastern England is not using the ball, but the head of an enemy warrior opponent. By the way, and the pattern of a game like that, then football was banned by the British government.
King Edward III in 1331 issued a rule to stop this brutal game. While in Scotland, King James 1 in 1424 to proclaim to all men for not playing ball - "That na man play at the Fute-ball". So even beyond.
Unfortunately, soccer is very popular so no one can stop this game in the community. In 1815 a famous English school, Eton College trying to make the rules of soccer games. This rule was developed and applied in many colleges, known as modified up to Cambridge Rules in 1848. But in its development of this rule was divided into two major rules, the rules of Rugby School and Cambridge rules. What sets it apart when it was a ball that may be held and taken to run.
On 26 October 1863, eleven London clubs and schools sent their representatives to a meeting in the Freemason's Tavern to the fundamental rules to govern the game they will play. This meeting created The Football Association. The supporters of the solid up to grip the Rugby fans. On December 8, 1863 the rugger (call for rugby) decided to split. Now there is a Rugby School and the Football Association.
In 1869, the members of The Football Association (often referred Asscociation) mengkukuhkan ban started holding the ball while playing. This is the beginning of a hands-ball rules.
Charles Wreford Brown is pemainrugger reliable, rugby rugger is the name comes from the slang term in the Oxford student who likes to shorten the name then given a particle at the end of the "er" - rug + er = rugger. Once when Charles offered whether he wants to play rugger? But he refused to menyebukan that he would rather SOCCER (slang from asSOCiation). Since that's often used as soccer started.
In 1888, William McGregor - the club Aston Villa closer to 12 soccer clubs are there to perform routine duel which later was named Classic Football League. The twelve clubs were:
- Accrington (Old Reds)- Aston Villa- Blackburn Rovers- Bolton Wanderers- Burnley- Derby County- Everton- Notts County- Preston North End- Stoke City- West Bromwich Albion- Wolverhampton Wanderers
Kick-off the first time the league started on 8 September 1888
Since then, I just realized that FOOTBALL is the official designation, while SOCCER used as a title in-formal.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
History of computer viruses
Understanding Computer Viruses
The term computer virus was familiar to computer users today. In fact, about 12 years ago, this term has been recognized by the computer user community. Finally, in 1988, articles appeared in the media that with the incessant preaching about a new threat for computer users who later became known as 'computer virus'. Virus found on computer is just a regular program, as appropriate other programs. But there is a fundamental difference on computer viruses and other programs. Virus created by someone with goals vary, but generally the virus makers just want to pursue fame and also just for the sake of pleasure alone. But if someone makes a virus with the aim of damaging the coursewill confuse the computers ditularinya.
Ability Basic Computer Virus
General definition of computer virus is a computer program that is usually small size can cause disruption or damage to computer systems and have some basic skills, including:
The ability to reproduce themselvesNamely the ability to create duplicates itself to files or disks that have not ditularinya, so that over time the region more widely spread.
The ability to hide themselvesNamely the ability to hide itself from the user's attention, among other things the following ways:a. Facing the output to the screen for the virus worked, so the virus does not seem work by the user.b. Virus programs are placed outside track2 made DOS (eg track 41)c. The size of the virus was made as small as possible so as not to attract suspicion.
Ability to conduct manipulationRoutine manipulation actually not too important. But this is often disturbing. This routine is usually made to:a. Make an appearance or a disturbing message on the screenb. Replacing the diskette volume labelc. Damage the structure of the disk, deleting filesd. Disrupting the work tools of I / O, such as keyboards and printers
The ability to obtain informationNamely the ability to obtain information about the structure of the storage media such as the location of the original boot record, partition table layout, the location FAT3, the position of a file, and so on.
The ability to check for the existence itselfBefore menyusipi suati check the presence of the virus file itself in the file that the search for an ID (identification) itself in that file. Files that have not been infected with a virus certainly does not contain the ID of the virus in question. This capability prevents the infiltration of many times on a same file.
2.4 Types of computer viruses
The following will discuss the types of viruses that the authors conclude from various sources, both sources of information and sources from the internet.
2.4.1 Based Technique Making
a. Viruses are created by compilerIs a virus that can be executed because it is a virus that has been compiled so it can be executed directly. This type of virus is a virus that first emerged in the computer world, and until now growing rapidly. This type of virus usually made with low-level programming language called assembler, because by using the assembler program that produced smaller and faster, so it is suitable to make a virus. But it is also possible to create a virus using other programming languages like C and Pascal both DOS and Windows environment.Perhaps this type of virus is the most difficult viruses to be made but because it is made by using a programming language and machine language form of the hallmarks of this virus is capable of doing almost all the manipulations in which it can not always be done by another type of virus because it is more limited.
b. Macro Viruses
Many people mistakenly with this strain, they assume that the Macro virus is a virus found on the Microsoft Word program. Indeed, almost all macro virus is a virus found Microsoft Word. Macro viruses are real viruses that utilize modular programming facilities in a particular application program such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowePoint, Corel WordPerfect, and so on. The purpose of this modular programming facilities is to provide convenience and create a shortcut forthe application. Unfortunately this function is used by virus makers to create a virus in the application. Although the virus is contained within a particular application but the danger posed no less berbahanya of other viruses.
c. Virus Script / Batch
At first this virus better known because the first batch of virus present in the batch file contained in the DOS, now this has turned into a script. Virus scripts usually are often obtained from the Internet because of the benefits of flexible and can run when we play on the internet, this type of virus usually stay in the HTML file (Hype Text Markup Language) is created by using scripts such as Javascript, VBScript, 4 or a combination of script enable Active-X programs from Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Based on the performed
a. Boot Sector VirusBoot Sector Virus is a virus that utilizes gate the relationship between computers and storage media as a place to transmit the virus. If the boot sector there is a program that is able to spread themselves and be able to stay in memory for computer work, then the program can be called a virus. Boot sector virus that is two and a virus that attacks the virus that attacks the floppy disk and partition table.b. Virus FileThe virus file is a virus that memafaatkan a file that can be processed directly in the DOS editor, such as files ending in COM, EXE, multiple overlay files, and batch files. Viruses generally do not have the ability to strike at all of the file. The virus files can also be based on or not tingga in memory.c. Virus SystemVirus is a virus that utilizes the system files used to create a computer system. An example is a file with extension SYS, IBMBIO.COM files, IBMDOS.COM, or COMMAND.COM.d. Hybrid VirusesThis virus is a virus that has two abilities can usually get into the boot sector and can also go into the file. One example of this virus is a virus Mystic made in Indonesia.e. Viruses Windows RegistryThese viruses infect the operating system using Windows 95/98/NT usually the infection and manipulation in the Windows registry for the registry is a place to accommodate all the information the computer hardware or software. So every time we run Windows then the virus will be run by the registry.f. Virus Program ApplicationThis virus is a Macro virus, infecting data on a particular application program. This new virus will be in action when we run the program and open the application data that contains a virus.
Based on the distribution media
a. The spread of the physical mediaMedia is meant to be floppy disks, CD-ROM (Compact Disc Read Only Memory), hard disk, and so on. For CD-ROM, although this medium can not be read but there is the possibility of a CD-ROM containing a specific virus, although unlikely, but along with the development tools on the market CD-R/CD-RW the possibility of a virus in the CD-ROM will also increased. For now this type of virus that became dominant from all existing viruses. This virus will be transmitted on a computer that still has not contracted in the event access to the file / media that contain viruses, followed by accessing the file / media that is still clean, it can also by accessing the file / media are still clean the computer's memory while there is active virus.
b. The spread of the Internet MediaLately viruses that spread by the media is more and more, the virus is usually spread via e-mail or at the time we download a file containing the virus. Also there are some viruses that will automatically spread itself via e-mail if your computer has a connection to the Internet
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Soon, humans may live forever

A famous US futurist and inventor has predicted that in few years, computers will overtake humans and facilitate them to live forever.
Ray Kurzweil has claimed that in the first half of this century there will be a ‘Singularity’, a phase in which there will be incredible rapid technological change, triggered by the moment that computers become smart enough to improve themselves without human intervention.
He has set 2029 as the year when computers will overtake humans and the things start getting really weird - disease will be cured, death defeated, the universe will become the playground of immortal super-beings, the Sydney Morning Herald reported.
“Every aspect of human life will be irreversibly transformed,” says Kurzweil.
He has envisaged that computers will enter our bodies and brains and the pace of change will be beyond our understanding unless we enhance ourselves with artificial intelligence boosts.
Regards, BMS